Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 1: Day 6

This week's homework was to identify why we wanted to lose weight, what we wanted vs. what we expected, set mini-goals and identify our down falls.  It was every interesting to do.  We had to think about people, places and things that caused us to stubble.  Some of the things I have so far are going to my parents, going out to eat, and weighing in and not losing what I felt I did.  WELL, I am at Mom and Dad's this weekend helping Dad with the tiling of the wine cellar AND we went out for dinner last night. Oh and did I mention that I weigh for the first time on Tuesday night?
I had a fajita salad..probably not the best choice BUT it was a salad :) I also got up and rode 21 minutes on the bike before breakfast.  If I can keep myself on trail for the remainer of the weekend and not undo the hardwork that I have put in thus far.

I must be honest...I am a little leery of the weigh in Tuesday...In the past that has been one of my largest hurdles...My mind wants to tell me that I have failed and I should quit if I don't see the scale move...I really am not sure how to face that one yet...

I must say that I am quite surprised and proud of myself that I have done as well as I have this week.  Of course, this is only the first week but I EXPECT myself to do well taking one day at a time...rewarding myself when I do well and not beat myself up when I don't.

I have never before really had the outlook and support like I have this time...different...a little scary...but excited to see where this is going to take me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

What a Journey!

heartfelt design has been many things in the last few, interior design, organizing... all of which are talents that I have a real passion for. But as of late, I have been drawn back to what all started it...the "rocks". I have had a love of them since I was old enough to walk and have come full circle once again. The inspiration is flowing like the rapids!
With that, I have had to make a few decisions. The older I get, the more it is evident that I can NOT focus on more that one thing at a time and do them well. So I am setting the interior design and organizing aside for the time being. It is just waiting a while not giving it up.

I hope that one day it will be time once again to create the restful places and organized spaces, but until them...I shall play with my ROCKS!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tag Development

I have figured out that I like the "hd" with a dangling heart the best. I have done some more work on it. The heart looks more like silver. I may even want to put some silver leaf on it to make it stand out. I just can not figure out if it should have a border or a patterned background. Suggestions?